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4.Vytvorenie obalu pre produkt

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 
My name is [your full name] and I am the owner of [company name], a company specializing in products for [insert your industry or area of interest here]. We are currently looking to expand our product line and are interested in one of the items that you manufacture, the [insert product name here and link as well]. 
Could you please provide me with the following additional information so that we can determine if this is a good fit for our product line? 
● Are you able to provide custom packaging?

● What color/logo options do you offer?

● What is the standard production time for each order?

● What is the price per unit (including packaging) at the following MOQs:

○ 100 to 500 pcs: ○ 501 to 1000 pcs: ○ 1001 to 5000 pcs: ○ 5001 and higher pcs: 
Also, for estimating our shipping costs, can you please tell me the following: 
● How many items usually come in a case?

● What are the dimensions of each case in cubic meters and kilograms? 
I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon so that we can move forward with our next order. 


Title Company 

4.časť Ako osloviť dodávateľa (Šablóny)

mám rád


Už viac ako 3 roky ma baví prinášať vám vlastné postrehy a skúsenosti z podnikania na amazone.

Som rád za každú otázku, ktorú mi pošlete, aj za spätnú väzbu, že vám moje postupy pomohli v rozbehnutí vaších predajov.

Preto ak cítite, žeby ste radi podporili túto stránku, môžete tak urobiť teraz  akoukoľvek sumou, jednoducho kliknutím na žlté tlačítko. 

Peniaze použijem na nákup kávy, pretože väčšinu článkov píšem po polnoci, keď mám najväčší pokoj :)

Už teraz som za vašu priazeň veľmi vďačný 

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2.Objednanie vzoriek

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 

Thank you for the information you provided regarding [insert product name here].  We are interested in ordering this product after reviewing a product sample. 
Could you please let me know how much would it cost to have a sample sent to our company at the following address? 
[Insert Company Name and Address] 
Also, please let me know what types of payments you accept for samples (such as PayPal if possible) and if you would be willing to credit us for the sample charge once we place a full product inventory order. 
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you. 


Title Company 

3.Potvrdenie odoslania (ak je nutné)

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 
I just wanted to check with you to confirm that the sample of [insert product name here] did ship out. 
Can you please send me the tracking information so we can make sure it gets to our office?  We are very excited to receive it and try it out prior to placing our order. 
Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you. 


Title Company 

1.Úvodný email 

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 
We have reviewed the [insert product name here] sample and are very interested in pursuing this as one of our next products.  In order to do so, we will need to know what type of packaging options you offer. 
Are you able provide packaging for this product and, if so, what options do we have? Preferably, we would like to have a template of the packaging design so we can send this to our designer. 
We would also like to include an instruction manual and small insert along with the product, so please let us know if you are able to have those printed and any additional costs for them as well. 
Thank you again and I look forward to hearing back from you. 


Title Company 


Výber dodávateľa

5.Vyjednávanie ceny

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 
We are ready to place our order for [insert product name here] and are getting quotes from a few suppliers. 
We really like your product and the packaging options you offered us, so can you please give us your absolute best price for a quantity of (insert quantity here) including the packaging, instructions, and inserts? [if applicable] 
While we are planning on ordering larger quantities in the future, we first need to make sure that the product sells well. 
Once we have heard back from you and the other suppliers, we will get back with you as soon as possible. 


Title Company 

5.Predobjednávka a odhad zásielky

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 
Thank you for the quote and we would like to proceed with the order.  If you can provide me with a PI, then we will be ready to place the order shortly. 
Also, if you are able to, could you please provide me with a separate quote to have [100 units or different quantity if you like] shipped to us by air?  We are not sure if we will have some of them sent this way or not, but we may decide to do that if it is not too expensive.  This way we could start selling the product sooner. 
Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing back from you. 


Title Company 

5.Objednanie tovaru

Dear [Contact Name and Manufacturer]: 
Attached is our wire transfer receipt for the 30% deposit on PI [insert PI #].  We will be finishing up our packaging design over the next week and will have that sent to you as soon as it is ready. 
If you could please confirm the latest date that you need our packaging design and an estimated shipping date for our order, we would appreciate it. 
Thank you very much and we are excited to be working with you! 


Title Company 

Nech vám tieto šablóny slúžia ako inšpirácia. Buď ich môžete použiť všetky odslova doslova,   alebo si vybrať len to, čo sa vám najviac hodí.

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